Black Raspberries
The black raspberry, a variety native to North America, is virtually unknown compared to it's more popular cousins, red raspberries and blackberries.
The black raspberry, a variety native to North America, is virtually unknown compared to it's more popular cousins, red raspberries and blackberries.
Most people in the US have never heard of currants. Commercial harvesting of these small tart berries was outlawed in 1911.
Mead is typically brewed in small batches and can be made with a variety of ingredients, including fruits, spices, and herbs.
People often think of mead as being kin to beer or ale. Instead, mead is a wine made with honey instead of grapes. Like wine, mead can range from dry to sweet and may be made with or without fruit, herbs, spices, or hops.
My son-in-law some much needed assistance when I began framing the walls of the new mead house. Nail guns are a blessing too. I don't know how far I would have gotten if we had to drive all those nails with a hammer